Additional guidance and development tools offered to support MSMEs.
Enterprise financial needs are a key aspect of this Program. Within focus groups (also through enterprise surveys and research) it has been observed that writing bankable business plans and applying to a bank for a loan are major hurdles in doing business in Serbia. The SRFP is putting emphasis on financial literacy, business management and IPARD program/Government subsidies training topics in order to build the skills of enterprise owners.
After completing the business plan development or applying for IPARD trainings, any participant in the training module will be able to contact the trainer for advice. We understand that it’s impossible to obtain all knowledge needed for writing a bankable plan, sometimes you need mentoring for problems that may arise. Our trainers will be there to help you when you need it.

Support to the Dairy Industry
The SRFP emphasis is on supporting rural enterprises, whether in the agricultural or non-agricultural sector. Taking into account the importance and impact the agricultural sector holds in Serbia, the Program will implement trainings in the dairy value chain.
The region’s dairy sector is traditionally connected to large processors, but also micro, small, and medium-size milk processors which are supplying the local market producing value added products such as yogurts and cheeses. The Program’s target group is at the farmer level to the first buyers of milk, which in almost all cases is the end of value chain preparing for consumer sales.
The SRFP will broadcast webinars on various subjects affecting the business community in Serbia, they will be held every couple of months online. The Program intends for these to be interactive, bringing in two or more experts and invited speakers into the sessions, and will include a questions and answers (Q&A) section based on online comments. Please check the website regularly for scheduled webinars.