SRFP Business Training Schedule Released for June-October 2021

The Development of Financial Systems in Rural Aras in Serbia program (SRFP), implemented by German Development Bank (KfW) in partnership with the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and with technical assistance (TA) support from Business & Finance Consulting (BFC), takes pleasure to announce the release of the June–October 2021 training schedule. To date, SRFP has held 125 business skills trainings since program inception for nearly 4,000 persons involved in the Serbian business world. In the June-October 2021 period, 72 trainings are planned on a number of topics previously given — six new training topics will be offered:
- MoAFWM Agricultural Incentives/World Bank Agricultural Grant Program
- Strategic Planning
- Export/Import Custom Procedures
- Agile Entrepreneurship
- Project Management for Successful Entrepreneurship
- International Standards Implementation, Purpose and Benefits
Besides these new trainings, we are pleased to announce the continued offering of the standard trainings which the business-public has come to know the program for:
- Business Plan Development
- Applying to a Bank for a Loan
- Human Resources Management/ Employment Regulations and Taxes
- Risk Management
- Health and Safety (phyto, sanitary, processing standards, standards entering new markets — ISO, HACCP, etc.)
- Marketing and Product Distribution
- Product Development
- Development of Export Markets
- Financial Planning
- Digital Transformation and Business
- Market Research
- Set-up and Management of Cooperatives
- Geographic Origin
- Design and Packaging/Brand Management
- Agricultural Insurance
The prior listed trainings will be offered online due to the ease of participation and the success the program has attained, thus far. Please check in frequently to the SRFP website training schedule for updates.
To review the training schedule and find a brief description of each topic, please visit the SRFP webpage Obuka. Instructions on how to sign-up for trainings will be provided on this page.
We look forward to your participation!